Liposuction Christchurch
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a very common cosmetic surgery performed by a plastic surgeon to treat patients who are near normal weight and have firm elastic skin by removing unwanted fat. Liposuction is not a weight loss strategy, it is designed to help smooth and tone areas of the body where stubborn fat is visible and unable to be targeted via other means. It is essential that you have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do for you.
Common areas of the body which can be treated are:
- Stomach
- Hips and thighs
- Buttocks
- Knees
- Neck
- Upper arms
- Male breasts
Who is a good candidate for liposuction?
The best candidate for liposuction is a normal-weight patient with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. The following are common reasons why you may want to consider liposuction:
- Localized fat deposits in your abdomen, arms, thighs and/or neck, which may be the result of heredity and do not disappear with exercise and diet
- Minimal amount of excess skin and good skin elasticity
- Realistic expectations
- You are physically fit, close to your ideal body weight and your weight is stable
- Liposuction does not remove cellulite and cannot tighten loose skin.
What happens during liposuction procedure?
A plastic surgeon will assess the overall health, skin quality and the amount of fat to be removed before talking you through what approach will be used.
Various types of anaesthesia are used during liposuction. If only small areas of fat are to be removed you may have local anaesthetic. More extensive surgery may require general anaesthetic. The length of your liposuction procedure will depend on the amount of fat being removed.
Your surgeon will make small incisions in the skin. Using a thin, hollow tube they will break up the fat cells beneath the skin surface and remove them with a special suction or vacuum. Several incisions may be required for larger areas. Any incisions will be stitched at the end of the procedure.
What are the different types of liposuction?
There are several liposuction techniques that can be used to improve the ease of the procedure and to enhance outcome, such as super wet technique, suction or power assisted liposuction as well as ultrasound assisted form of liposuction.
What are the complications of liposuction?
In general, liposuction is safe and the results are entirely predictable, with an associated high- degree of patient satisfaction. Nevertheless, no surgery is without risk. All general anaesthetics carry risks such as deep vein thrombosis and chest infection but with modern anaesthetic techniques, these are minimised.
The Consulting Suites
One Health Building
Level 2, 122 Remuera Road
Auckland, 1050, New Zealand
Phone: 09 522 0652
Fax: 09 522 0435